
What is Astrology?

Astrology is the interpretation of our law of karma constructed with tools of Astrophysics depending upon one’s past karmic depth, the PRARABDHA KARMA that we choose; we take Rebirth Owing to Punarabh Janam, Punarabhi maranam. We are born when the configuration of planets Corresponds with that karmic. I called it an Astro matrix which scientists term it as DNA for survival, the DNA engages with an environment which is more powerful depending on again the law of karma

Sustenance relates to how the DNA Struggles with the environment Pain / Pleasure, success/failure, and healthy / ill-healthy are all just perceptions depending on so many factors like age, ethnicity, human geography, and geological economic conditions prevailing at any given time.

At birth, the casting of the chart indicates the DNA Astro mapping of planetary configuration & the subsequent transit of planets since your birth in the environment.

So astrology is the subject of Studying planetary influence on human life I would say astrology is a wonderful mead Wien to understand our past life karma Astrology can help a person to take better decisions in life by accessing our core strengths.

History of Astrology

Astrology or Jyotish shastra basically originated from India. But later then because of many attacks like Greek’s, Mughal British Indian Vedas have destroyed & also the records of astrology.

Thousand years ago in India two major university Takshashila & Nalanda where foreigners & Indians were studies vedas. In vedas we can Study Science, mathematics, Ayurveda, astrology, psychology etc. But during the Sikander attack in Takshashila vedas were Stolen & brunt and then Greek re-write & manipulate not only astrology many other still from vedas like first airplanes.

 India is home to one of the oldest civilizations in the word from the traces of hominoid activity discovered in the subcontinent, it is d recognized that the area now known as India was inhabited approximately 250000 years ago.

Difference between Western & Vedic Astrology

Vedic Astrology
  • Vedic Astrology is based on sidereal zodiac a system in which position of planet are calculated based on where they actually situated in universe /galaxy
  • Based on moon sign
  • Vedic astrology predicts your future and lead to the right path to look forward in life
  • It is the most ancist and accurate driven result ancist and modern hindu/Asian are most prefred to vedic astrology
  • Vedic astrology work with the lunar calendar the sidereal zodiac luminaries {Sun ,Moon} & Planet {Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Satrun} Rahu Ketu
  • Vedic astrology for all spiritual concern the movement of karma the flow of time &all concern that cannot be tangibly put into words
  • 9 planets Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Saturn
  • Vedic astrology uses 27 lunar constellation called nakshatras each of this nakshatras is 30 degree &20 min duration
  • Vedic astrology time difference:- veduc astrology employes the vimoshotra dasha system . a method of knowing the period of occurrence of planet to know the future events and analayze planetry movement
  • The accurate description of the birth of any person ie the knowledge of the time of birth can be easily given to know about the past present and the principle of Principle of karma and destiny In - short - the whole event of life written in your horoscope Through Indian astrology
  • Make your life Successful enjoyable by giving right direct and to your aspiration objective
  • Vedic is affective as well as accurate human life
  • Vedic astro was develop 1000 years aga by ancist and human intelligence
  • Vedic chart is ssquare and diamond pattern in vedic kundali seen to have planet aligned with nakshatra rashi
  • Different methods are used to calculate the position of the planets
  • The Vedic system of astrology is basically a fixed zodiac as used by astronomers against the background of certain fixed stars (Nakshatra). It is called the "sidereal zodiac". Hence, in the past, the term Astronomy covered astrology as well as the study of the physical heavens.
  • Different number of planets are used Nine planets are used in Vedic Astrology viz. Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and the two nodes of the Moon called Rahu and Ketu. The nodes, as recognised by astronomers, are points on the ecliptic path of the Sun where Moon cuts every month as it circles the Earth at a 5° inclination to the Earth's orbit.
  • And some of the largest asteroids are also used in interpreting horoscopes
  • Different primary focus
  • Tropical astrology is largely "Sun" based and may more accurately be called "solar houses" as it directly interprets results based on the sign in which sun is posited according to the month (21 March to 20- April = Aries, 21 April to 20 May Taurus etc). Thus Western Astrology is primarily concerned with psychology, the personality and character, or the "solar" side of our life and nature.
  • Sidereal astrology can be called "Cosmic astrology" as it is moon based astrology. Moon revolves around earth in 27.3 days. during its revolution it crosses all fixed stars (Nakshatra). As moon is the closest to earth can influence to a large extent. In Vedic system results are based on measures the relationship between the fixed stars and the solar system to ourselves. Vedic Astrology covers all areas of life - our desires, talents, responsibilities, financial resources, creativity, likelihood of marrying and having children, and the potential for spiritual growth. It can also indicate times of ill-health, failures, emotional and physical difficulties; and confinement in a hospital, prison or monastery, etc. Ayurveda is the medical branch of Vedic Astrology; whilst Vastu is its architectural branch
  • Different use of the Fixed Stars
  • Besides using the 12 signs, Vedic Astrology breaks down the 360° circle into 27 lunar constellations, called Nakshatras, which were originally identified with particular stars, but these days each one is deemed to cover a span of 13 degrees 20 minutes thus creating a full circle
  • These Nakshatras are used for indicating the quality of a person's mind-set as well as ascertaining subtle qualities of the nine planets specific to each natal chart. They can be used for determining personality types; the starting points of the planetary periods, favourable times for beginning important actions in electional astrology
  • Vedic astrology may also apply these systems, but their primary system is the use of planetary periods, I called dashas. There are 32 such systems outlined by Parashara in his treatise. Under the most commonly used Vimshottari Dasha system, each of the nine planets is given a particular time span, periods varying from 6 to 20 years, giving a total of 120 years, when their particular influence will have a predominant effect on an individual's life. These periods can be divided into sub-periods and sub-sub periods to show the planetary influences operating on a particular day
  • Jyotish - Vedic Astrology (JVA): There are millions of possibilities or combinations of humans on earth. Everyone is unique and cannot be compared or put in one interpretation. JVA can describe as well as predict and confirm one's past, present and future very accurately. It covers every aspect of life on earth, you name it has it, whether its' personal, financial, medical, that which cannot be diagnosed by science JVA can do it and it's findings can be supported from ancient texts, be it death, previous incarnation or next, one's occupation to Moksha (final emancipation) and thereafter. JVA can give you a guided tour of your life date by date to your age of 120 years.. Jyotish has a huge database of ancient scriptures written more than 10,000 years ago. JVA is a way of life and is taken very seriously to make decisions of life. JVA is the grandfather of all astrology and very accurate to one person in every aspect of life
  • My past experience in astrology made me a deep believer of Vedic Astrology. I would answer this question, as per my experience I always prefer Vedic Astrology instead of Western Astrology. Since Vedic astrology is totally based on planetary positions and 12 Zodiac signs
  • I still remember the time when I was struggling to find the right path for my career. I was very much confused which field should I have my career in. I had an interest in hotel management, journalism, digital marketing, graphic designing etc
  • Then one day while browsing online astrology website for my career I came across one of the most popular Vedic astrologers, Pandit Shivkumar consultation from him, he is very accurate with his prediction. He is very accurate with his prediction, he analysed my chart deeply & told me due to my planetary position I am facing difficulties. He suggested me to choose hotel management for my career & also suggested me some remedies to me to perform for my betterment. After choosing the right path for my career suggested by online, I can say Indian Vedic astrology is more sophisticated and enlightening than western astrology
  • There is nothing "new" you will learn from an astrologer - so during the consultation you will straightaway know if he or she is on the right track or not
  • So for example - if your love-life is in a mess and full of disappointments the astrologer will confirm this and even tell you when it began and if there will be a resolution any time soon. Or what the chances are of you marrying and enjoying marital bliss or not
  • If you are having a bad time with your education - the astrologer will confirm this too and suggest you leave academia and go for a trade instead (but this too you will already know but suppress for fear of what your parents will say!)
  • If you are suffering from ill-health the astrologer will confirm this too and give some idea when it will worsen and what the positive or negative outcome is likely to be
  • If you are in a job that was imposed on you by your peers and family and in which you are unhappy - the astrologer will help you to focus on those areas of potentiality which you can exploit in order to achieve greater success
  • The problem with astrology is that people who consult astrologers are in a bad shape and extremely vulnerable and their desperation will only be confirmed
Western astrology
  • Western Astrology in the other hand uses the same month wise methodology to all who born into same month falls into same sun Sign
  • Based on sun sing
  • Western astrology call to node and the moon in the sign of constellation {Nakshtras}
  • Western astrology for all your real life practical concern job work health relationship etc
  • Western astrology include planet like urens Neptune & Pluto to propal the future this planet not given much imp Vedic astrology also western astrology does not consider constellation of perform
  • While the western astrology does not use the dasha system on the other hand it studies the movement of planet to know the action of planet
  • Hence western astrology can only give direct explanation to possible event in life
  • Western astrology in also influence by Egyptian civilization i.e pyramid
  • Western astrology is a movable zodiac, as it is based on the orientation of the Earth to the Sun, and applies the "Tropical zodiac". It "assumes" that every year, the Sun at the spring and autumnal equinoxes is at the first degree of Aries and Libra respectively, and at the first degree of Cancer and Capricorn at the summer and winter solstices. As a result of this fundamental assumption, the tropical zodiac ignores an astronomical event called the Precession of the Equinoxes (that is as the Sun moves along its apparent path as viewed from the Earth, it does not return to the same position against the background of the fixed stars at the spring equinox on 21 March, where it was at the same time one year earlier. It is short by 50.29 seconds of one degree, and this builds up to a difference of one degree every 71.585 years and over a period of 2,148 years the gap between the sidereal and tropical positions of the planets grows to 30 degrees, or one whole sign of the zodiac. The time span required for a new processional cycle (when sidereal and tropical zodiac meets) would take approximately 25,800 years.)
  • In Western Astrology there are Millions of stars available, but out of these 26 zodiacal latitudes are selected and interpretation of horoscopes is done on the basis of transit of the planets over these specific latitudes. Thus out of 360 degrees available only few (26 specific positions) are taken in to account
  • Different systems to determine the timing of events In timing major events or changes in our lives, Western Astrology uses progressions (any method of advancing the planets and house cusps of a natal horoscope to a particular time after birth) and transits (the position and movement of the planets on a given day; used in reference to planets passing over a natal planet or crossing a natal house)
  • Western Astrology (WA): There are only 12 types of people on earth ie. Aries, Taurus, .... Pisces etc. What it says about you "an Aries" can apply to another "Aries" person. WA is descriptive and sometimes gives too vague interpretations which may apply to 1/12th portion of earth's population. It cannot give answers to real questions of life. Western Astrology does not have the capability to predict whether it be the past, present or future. WA database is very minimal. It's used for entertainment or informational purpose. It's not accurate to one person. WA even after hundreds of years is still in its infancy state

What is the difference between Vedic astrology, Chinese astrology and Western astrology?

  • Vedic astrology is originated by Vedas developed by ancient seers and sages of Indian subcontinent whereas Western Astrology is influenced by the Egyptian Civilization and developed by ancient Greece and Chinese Astrology has its origin in China
  • The difference between the Vedic astrology and western astrology is that the Vedic zodiac is Sidereal and fixed whereas the Western is tropical and movable
  • Vedic astrology makes use of planets, nakshatras and constellations for calculation whereas Western astrology does not consider these factors
  • Vedic Astrology applies Vimshotarri Dasha system for calculation whereas western astrology doesn't use dasha system, it studies the planetary transits based on their advances and movements
  • Vedic astrology is a moon based astrology system whereas Western Astrology rely more on the Sun
  • In Vedic Astrology, zodiac signs have different symbols whereas in Chinese Astrology, zodiac signs are represented by several animals
  • In Vedic Astrology there are 4 zodiac elements namely Fire, Earth, Air, and Water whereas in Chinese Astrology there are 5 zodiac elements namely Fire, Earth, Metal, Water & Wood
  • Chinese Astrology divides astrological signs by years, though Vedic astrology does them by months.The Chinese believe that individuals born around the same time share similar characteristics, whereas Vedic astrologers has the belief that being born even minutes apart can influence the personality of a person to a great extent
  • Chinese Astrology depends on the lunar calendar organized by the periods of the Moon where, every month starts with a New Moon and goes on for around 29 days. The western calendar is organised by Earth's circle around the Sun. As indicated by the western calendar, every month can last somewhere in the range of 28 and 31 days


What is a horoscope?

A horoscope is a map of the heavens showing the positions of planets as seen from a place on earth at the time of birth of the individual.

This map consist of 12 hours each house refers to certain spheres of the individual’s activity signs are places in these houses and the planetary positions in these houses are shown according to the sign-in which they happen to be at the times of the birth.

A horoscope is basically a picture of the sky at the moment of birth.

It is a circle that represents the ecliptic circle. That is the circle that represents all possible positions the sun can have between the stars. In the course of one year, the sun makes a turn of that circle.

Many unscrupulous and avaricious Indian astrologers
Kundali Chart

At any given moment half of this circle is above the horizon and half is below the horizon. The horizon in a horoscope is just a horizontal line. The half circle above this line represents the part of the ecliptic circle that is above the horizon.

It so happens that the moon and the planets are always not very far from the ecliptic circle and they are represented in a horoscope by dots (marked with a symbol). You may think of these dots as the points on the ecliptic circle that is closest to the true position of the planet. Also, the sun is marked.

The ecliptic circle has a special point, namely the position of the sun at the beginning of the spring in the northern hemisphere. It is a point were the ecliptic circle intersects the celestial equator (that is a circle exactly in the middle between the north pole of the sky (near the Pole Star) and the south pole of the sky (which you can see in South Africa and Australia).

Astrologers divide the ecliptic circle into 12 equal segments called signs.

1st to 12th house explanation

  • 1st House - It indicates the self (at man), the beginning of life, body parts head & brain.
  • 2nd House - It indicates family, face, speech, financial growth.
  • 3rd House- Intelligence, Short Journey, Immediate Realization.
  • 4th House- Peace of mind, education, comforts.
  • 5th House - Creative side, skills, merits from past life.
  • 6th House - It indicates enemies, thieves, cults, wound of body.
  • 7th House - Spouse, Husband, life partner, travels.
  • 8th House - Longevity, secret organ, Death legacies, gifts.
  • 9th House - Godliness, eight house, preceptor.
  • 10th House - Occupation, Career, Reputation.
  • 11th House - Assets & Liabilities.
  • 12th House - Worship, moksha (final emancipation) enlightenment.