
Numerology - The Key To Success

Numerology… It is nothing but mathematical calculation. It totally depends on your birthdate.

Numerology is very important for your personal growth.Numerology is very helpful for anyone from students to businessmen. By using Numerology you can get success health, and wealth in your life.

It is also useful for your present & future. This is like future guide. Numerology is one of the great Science.

Numerology is the study of the meaning of numbers  & their influence on human life and has been used for over  10,000 years to accurately reveal the secrets of love, success & happiness that lie hidden in your innerself.

Numerology helps you who you really are. This is all about your nature & It helps you further to plan your future.

For living a secure life science must be used. This science is very easy to understand.

How Does Numerology Works?

It is totally calculation of your birthdate. For ex.  25.02.1977 for your auspicious number don’t make addition of all birthdates. Only taking the first birthdate means  2+5=7. So auspicious no. for this person is 7.

Following chart is very useful for you.

Alphabet Numerical Value
A,I,J,Q,Y 1
B,K,R 2
C,G,L,S 3
D,M,T 4
E,H,N,X 5
U,V,W 6
O,Z 7
F,P 8

By using this chart you can calculate your name as per numerology

Following Chart is very useful for you

Auspicious Number Dates of the month Ruling Planet Auspicious Days Mantra
1 1,10,19,28 Sun Sunday Om Suryay Namaha
2 2,11,20,29 Moon Monday Om Somay Namaha
3 3,12,21,30 Jupiter Thursday Om Gurave Namaha
4 4,13,22,31 Uranus Sunday Om Gurave Namaha
5 5,14,23 Mercury Wednesday Om Budhay Namaha
6 6,15,24 Venus Friday Om Shukray Namaha
7 7,16,25 Neptune Monday/Friday Om Gurave Namaha
8 8,16,26 Saturn Saturday Om Shanaischaray namaha
9 9,18,27 Mars Tuesday/Thursday Om Mangalaya Namaha

Now you know how helpful numerology is for all the people of different birthdates.

 But taking the Guidance of Vastushastra will be 100% useful for you. Because you can use numerology only for your personal growth in business, study, and in any other field.

But you can use Vastushastra for all your family members having different birthdates. This is very beneficial for you.

So with taking guidance of Vastushastra, Numerology, and Astrology you can get 100% success, health, and wealth in your life.