Refund and Returns Policy


You can ask for refund if:
You receive the product in a damage/tamper condition:

  1. We request our customers to open and check the product at the time of delivery. In case there is any damage found to the product, please send an email within 48 hours of delivery of the product along with your order number.
  2. We will send you a replacement against the damaged product or we can issue a credit note which will be a valid for one year.
  3. We will bear the cost of sending you a replacement and getting the damaged product picked up from your place.


  1. Cost of sending the shipment to us would be borne by us or If you want, we can get the product picked up from your place and can deduct the charges and can issue the credit note of the balance amount.
  2. The product has to be packed properly so that it reaches us safely in both the cases (if you are taking care of the delivery or we are taking care of the delivery), then only a credit note would be issued to you.

    The product will be dispatched once we will receive the returned product.

Cancellation Policy

For some reason if you do not wish to proceed with the order, inform us by sending an email along with your order id. We will cancel your order and will issue a credit note for the equivalent purchased amount. No cancellation would be entertained for the dispatched orders.