
What is Vastu?

The word “Vastu” Means ‘Dwelling’ from a meaningful point of view.  According to the etymology of “ Vasanti Praniyon Yantra”, the word Vastu means the land where human beings reside.

“Amartyaschaiva matyascha yatra yatra vasanti hi.
Tadvastviti matam tajjnaistadbhedram cha vadamyaham.”

The creation in which immortal or mortal deities and human beings reside in permanent or temporary from is called Vastu.

What is Vastushastra?

Human Beings are a part of nature. For a person to have a happy and satisfying life, his mind, intellect, body, and soul need to be properly balanced, protected, and managed. For this, Sages who know the universe created vastushastra so that they can live in the supreme vibration of happiness and contentment by creating natural oneness.

The Balance of the panchmahabhutas is necessary for the unity of consciousness and happiness in nature. At the same time, the Sun God, who gives life to all living beings, as well as the earth’s magnetism and gravitational attraction, are essential for the protection, conservation, and balance of the earth, and the proper balance of all these creates vibrations in nature.

In the same way, the existence of Panchmahabhuta also exists between human beings and animals. Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are also caused by the imbalance of these Panchamahabhutas. That is why there should be consciousness in this encyclopedic body created by panchamahabhuta. The mind and body should be balanced and the mind and body should be endowed with the best benevolent virtues. The vitality should be increased. Balance with Panchmahabhuta, Surya, Shakti, Gravity, Magnetism, and many more.

Vastushastra is the science that is organized by presenting all these things in a mathematical manner Proving them on a scientific basis and considering the spiritual rites on the mind and soul which we do not see.

The Origin of The Deity Vishwakarma

Vishwakarma is the greatest sage who uses Vastushastra in the most influential earth, sky, and paradise in Vastushastra. He has a tradition of deities and got knowledge of vastushastra from many sages but he got the blessing of actual Mahadev to use it successfully among the three people.

Narayanabja-janatasya vidheah sutasya, sharmatmajasya girihavastusutam
Varenyam. Swargadilokrachnakuslam Tamadya sri Vishwakarma Vishrutam
Santtam Smaramah: ||

Bramha was born from the navel of the real Narayana. Bramha’s son Dharma got married to a southern girl named Ekbasu. The Seventh son of these two is Vastu and Vishwakram of Vastu and Angirasi.

In ancient times, important capitals were built by vishwakarma. They were created by deciding that they should much have a life while creating all this. Swargalok in satyayuga, Lanka, in Tretayuga, Dwarika in Dwaparayuga, Hastinapur in Kaliyuga are the compositions pf adinagar vishwakarma.

Maharshi Garg imparted knowledge of vastushastra to Maharshi Parashar. After that Maharshi Parashar received the knowledge of vastushastra from brihadrath and brihadrath by Lord Vishwakarma. The Knowledge Gained Should be used effectively. Also Lord Vishwakarma Meditated on Mahadev to get the remaining knowledge of vastushastra and subswquent success in it.

Importance of Vastu Shastra

The Foundation of vastushastra is the concept of the five elements. In vastushastra these are known as the Panchabhootas, The panchanbhootas are what the entire world is made out of. The five elements are air water, fire, earth & space. All the benefits & advantages are bestowed upon a person or a house by the proper use & placement of these five elements.

Vastu shastra is the scientific study of directions, which aims to create equilibrium by balancing the different elements of nature & using them for the benefit of humans.

There is a great importance of Vastu shastra in our life, as it paves the way for happiness & prosperity to knock out doors. Vastu is very rational in the sense that it is based on scientific study & not an assumption. Also, there is surety about its permanency as it takes into consideration the directions, which are static.

Talking about Vastu the best part is that its guidelines are very simple & easy to follow. It can be applied to virtually all sets of constructions, be it a house a particular room, a temple, a commercial complex, industry, etc.

Vastu extracts the positive energies of the Sun, lunar energy of the moon wind energy magnetic effects of the earth & heat energy of fire, balancing them to bring harmony to the life of a person. In fact, a harmonious life with nature is the theme of Vastu shastra.

When there is an imbalance between the five chief elements of nature, it turns into some sort of agitation, sorrow, failure, poor economic condition & many other negative results for a human being Vastu shastra comprises one of the most suitable ways to overcome such problems. It suggests ways in which you can live in agreement with the laws of nature so that you can remain healthy, be peaceful & work efficiently. So, it is advisable to consult a good Vastu expert & follow his / her advice sincerely when constructing a new structure or buying a new flat or house.

Vastu Plan Explanation

Draw the direction of your home/shop / Office/factory or land in the table above

Wherever there is a pit of cut in your bathroom, W.C. you will suffer bad experiences in your life. So it is advisable to consult. A good Vastu expert &follow his/her advice sincerely you will get huge progress in your life

If someone buys a house & then he comes to know that it is not as per vastushastra & then he goes to a consultant & and consultant tells him to break this, demolish that but in our consultancy we will provide or advising without any breaking & demolishing. Vastu Shastra without breakage, which Pandit Ji practices using a scientific approach.

How to use vastushastra for a dwelling house is something that we are going examples to see further, by examples similarly use of vastushastra on a commercial level, for offices is possible. How to use it if for that, how the overall setup of an office in terms of vastushastra place of reception administration, where the accounts section should be where the people should sit; which color combination to use; such vastushastra rules are there for offices or commercial place and also for industrial, establishment.

Vastushatra Example

  • Financial prosperity , where should we place our wardrobe for financial growth and which height we should keep
  • Where should we place worship temple in house if we can’t place it in living room, or bedroom
  • where should we place photo graph in house ,which direction brings sickness in house after picking photographs
  • where should sick person sleep in house for recovery
  • Where should medicine be kept for less usage
  • Why ladies face illness every time in house
  • Why marrieds life is disturbed and how to make it normal
  • How to get success in life and remedy for such case
  • At what direction person should face while studding to get success in studies and make it easy for children
  • If sleeping position of children is not right that will affect their appearance in nature so where should they sleep
  • Best sleeping direction for couple
  • Remedy for promotion in job
  • Job recruitment
  • Where should the material of household business be placed for good income
  • Best direction for dressing table to be placed
  • Where should be business related tings to be placed like computer and electronics
  • Where should the main document of assets to be placed and many more important documents so that would be helpful for good deal s regarding them
  • Entrance gate , water tank, flats wrong direction can create a lot of problem in vastu shastra

History of Vastushastra

Vastu shastra the ancient Science of geomancy & architecture was originated by Dev. Vastuspati, lord Shiva who gave it to vishvabarma, the architect of the celestials & one universe. It is part of vedas four to five thousand years old. It is in Atharvaveda. Vedas were written by yogis.

“Vastu” let me proceed in defining “Shastra” briefly.

A Shastra is nothing but a science. Hence, “Vastu Shastra” is both the science & art of building. These norms were first laid out by the absolute greats like “Maya”, “Mansara”, “Bhrigut”, “Vishwakarma” etc. They were 18 Rishis who are considered to be the founding pillars of this office Science.

We expect to be happy in the home we build, hope our family will continue to live in it for a long time. For this the home needs to enhance our physical, mental spiritual wellbeing. Vastu Shastra provides ways to do it.

Vastu Shastra teaches how to design & construct building that are in harmony with nature, that make the optional civilization of natural energies, light & air different deities & elements rule different areas of a site, this means cannot place your water tank in a place ruled by Agni Likewise you cannot have your kitchen in the place ruled by water.

 In India, Mumbai vividly illustrates the significant of Vastu shastra. It has water in the north east while a nuclear power plant aptly sits in the region of Agni. All this make Mumbai a prosperous & powerful city.

Vastu for success in life

Vastu Shastra explains how to correctly utilize the naturally occurring light, heat, electrical, thermal, and solar & wind energy.

  • Health - your health gets better when you live in harmony with all the cosmic Forces. When your health improves your mental wellbeing also improves follow simple rules like sleeping with your head towards the south while your feet head is your body’s north pole & like poles repel So, keeping your head in the north can cause disturbed sleep.
  • Wealth - good vastu grand’s prosperity following vastu remedies in your life, it removes negative energy & makes your house invite auspiciousness & prosperity so, your wealth increases making life easier.
  • Happiness - As your physical & mental well-being increases & your financial circumstances improve you naturally become happier.
  • Relationship Improve - using of Vastu Shastra there is no longer high levels of tension & Strife because negative energy in your home reduces & Positive energy & though increase your relationship improves there is better bonding within your family & even with other relatives & friends.

Vastu Shastra effect on daily life

In vastushastra, the prime importance is given to the five elements & then comes the solar energy. I.e. Energy from the sun. When the sun rises, seven rays are emitted. How to use all these seven days vastushastra tells us. After the sun rises, ultraviolet rays that have the power to awaken one dormant human mind, which is called the Subconscious mind, go to the Northeast corner, Subconscious mind as awakened by the power of ultra-violet say That is why the god idols.

Study rooms are recommended to be situated in the northeast corner, and the infrared rays that have the power to kill bacteria, go to the southeast corner & the place where bacteria are maximum that’s why the kitchen should be placed in the southeast corner.

Generally, whenever we plan a floor plan, there is some set of rules in Vastu that everyone follows. The Kitchen has to be in the south-east, the living room has to be in the north, bedroom(s) have to be in east or west directions, and bathrooms and toilets have to be in south-west directions. The openings should be designed and installed in such a way that every room gets natural lighting and ventilation.

Why does these rooms have to be planned like this only?

We all know that Sun rises in the east and sets in the west. But the part where our India is situated, here the sun rotates in east-south-west directions only. Many of us might don’t know about this.

You may think why are you say about this now? Because there is relation between the rotation of sun and planning of rooms. We spend most of the time in living room, so this should be situated in the north direction from where we get constant light in day time.

In south-east direction during morning we get UV rays from sun which have power to kill germs in the Kitchen, so that the germs die and we stay healthy.

In south-west, during evening the sunrays are very hot, due to which water evaporates easily in the bathrooms, without stagnant of water on the floor. Because of these, bedrooms should be placed in east or west directions, which was said by our ancestors.

This is the true Vaastu Shastra, In the past, the houses used to be spacious and the gap between the two houses is also large, due to which they had benefits of Vaastu. But now the situation is different, most of the people stay in the narrow houses only and there is no gap between the two individual houses or individual units of an apartment where they won’t get even natural lighting and ventilation. That’s why we started using Electrical lights, Fans, and Air Conditioners. If your house is spacious then follow Vaastu Shastra, you will have benefits from it.

Then there are many people who believe in False Vaastukar. This Vaastukar says that this door shouldn’t be put in this direction, windows have to be placed here only if the staircase is placed in this direction, and bad things occur. These are really false assumptions said them, don’t listen to them, this is superstition.

Natural lighting and natural ventilation are enough for a house, due to which we stay happy, healthy, and active. So, whenever you are going to construct a house contact an Architect, and your dream house come true.